
The short

Jeshua Horca is a multimedia designer with a passion for creating, showing, and building stories that change lives.

The long (er)

People constantly search for the one thing they are good at and often find that it begins to define their identity. For me, I have found that there is beauty in so many different things that I decided I would never settle for just one.

I was born in the sprawling suburbs of San Jose, California. We moved out of the Silicon Valley and hop-skipped around the Monterey Peninsula since 2000. I would list all the things I enjoy but there are way too many. Currently serving as the Video Production Manager at Lakepointe Church out in the Dallas, Texas metroplex area. Proud husband to Kristin, and father to Noah and Kaliana.

Say hello!

I'm away from my glowy screen right now, but you can send me an email and I'll get back to you, asap.

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